Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year

Anybody who knows me knows that I LOVE A COUNTDOWN!!!  I'm always counting down to this event or break.  I even get a little nervous if I don't have at least 2 or 3 countdowns going at any given time.  So as I sit here I can't help but think on how today is the biggest countdown day of the year.  In just a few hours we will say goodbye to 2014 and welcome in 2015.

As I sit thinking about my New Year's blog I can't help but look back on 2014 and everything that has gone on in my year.  I feel like I have gained some real perspective in 2014.  So, before I continue that countdown to 2015 let me first look back on 2014 and what I have learned.

I look around, where I am today, I am genuinely contented with my life. It sounds a bit cliche to say, but I am in my happy place.  Our family is happy and healthy.  This seems like something I might have taken for granted in the past, but not this year!!!

I am happy with my marriage.  We celebrated our ten year anniversary this past June.  We were lucky enough to get to celebrate with a cruise to Alaska that we will remember for the rest of our lives.  I don't think either of knew what kind of adventure lay ahead of us when we said "I do".  We've shared a lot of laughter and a few tears.  We learned how important it is to work together and I think that we've gotten very good at it.  We have built quite a life for ourselves.  Our home is a place that is safe, warm, uncomplicated and honest. 

 I love my job.  I am blessed to work in a parish that is run by "God fearing" people with Christian values.  My co-workers share those same values.   My job is not easy by any means, but sharing the work load with like minded folks does make things better.

I heard something in church the other night and it is probably the best way to sum up how I want to live my life.  The preacher talked about JOY.  Here's how it breaks down:

  J ...........Jesus              First
  O..........Others            Next
  Y..........Yourself         Last

It's a simple word and it's at the top of my New Year's resolution list.   Actually, it is my entire New Year's resolution list. 

So, let me be the first to say Happy New Year!!!!!  I'm anxiously awaiting 2015 and can't wait to see what God has in store for me!!!!!

Here are a few photos to show what  we've been up to during this holiday season:

This little girl (Jovi) is one of my greatest blessings!!!  I can't wait to see her at the end of January!!!



Yes that is the famous "Miss Kay" from the popular TV show Duck Dynasty.  She is also my aunt.  There aren't enough words to tell just how much I love this woman!!!  She taught me to love Jesus and others and helped to instill a love of cooking and family in me that has defined me since I was about 8 years old. 
These photos are from a weekend I spent on the river in December.  The family time was just what I needed!!!

My sweet boy was not the least bit afraid of Santa.  He placed his order for a big truck and must have been a good boy cause Santa delivered!!!

I  must have been a good girl too because Santa brought me the lovely anniversary band that complimented my wedding ring PERFECTLY!!!

Here are all of our Christmas gifts all set out around the world's smallest Christmas tree.
One last one of my sweet little man.  he is growing up so fast!!! 
I hope God blesses you in 2015.  I cannot wait to see what he has in store for me!!!
Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

I Am Thankful

I know that I have started and stopped this blog post at least 20 times in the last few weeks.  I've had a lot to say, but for whatever reason I have been unable to set words to the page until now.  So as I sit, in the early hours of Thanksgiving morning I am overcome by this feeling of being blessed. 

I was looking for bible verses this morning.  Nothing was more fitting than Ecclesiastes 3.  There is a time for everything.....  It pretty much sums up the feelings that I am having at this time of year.  I am always nostalgic during the holidays, but our family suffered an unexpected tragedy this week and it made those feelings much more real.

My family came together to celebrate the life of my uncle Jimmy Frank.  He passed away suddenly from a heart attack.  Seeing everyone together reminded me of all the holidays past when we would all come together at the river at Granny and Pa's house for Thanksgiving or Christmas or whatever other holiday.  Those are some of my fondest memories.

It was a sad day but it was a joyful one because I know that Uncle Jimmy knew Jesus and Jesus knew him.  Everyone sat around sharing family stories.  There was laughter and there were tears shed.  There were lots of hugs and "I Love You's". 

After my pa Robertson, my mother was the first of her family to pass away.  I always thought that was pretty fitting since she seemed to be the hub of the family.  She was the one who did most of the arranging and preparing for family gatherings.  In my mind it made sense that she would go first.  Just after her was my granny and then her two brothers would follow in their time.  In my mind I can see her standing on a beautiful porch calling to her loved ones to come to gather. 

I can see her making the preparations for each of them, making sure that all their favorite things are waiting for them.  I can see her hugging their necks once they arrive.  I know she was glad to see them once they got there.  I don't know if that's really the way it happened, but that's the way it happened in my head and it really does help with the sadness I feel at their passing.

I don't have any words of wisdom for those who will celebrate their first holiday seasons without loved ones.   All I can say is that the first ones are awful and the ones that come after them aren't much better.  I can say that I am rejoicing in the fact that I know my loved ones knew Jesus and that his Gospel would ensure their everlasting life.  They knew, just like I know, that this earth is not our t home.  It's just a stop over to paradise.  So while I will miss them, for now, I know that we will be together again.  What a glorious day of Thanksgiving that will be!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Welcome Fall

So...... This school year is in full swing!  In fact, we have just completed the first 6 weeks.  One down, five to go! hehe

Life and school and life has been soooooo busy!  I've been going wide open since the summer actually.  I know I have said that this past summer was probably the busiest summer in the history of all my summers!  I truly believe that since it is now Fall and the hectic pace has not let up.
Don't get me wrong, it's been really fun and exciting, but hectic nonetheless!

Johnnie (that's my husband) and I went on a grand adventure early in September.  We made a flying trip to the booming metropolis of Clyde, Ohio.  We went to get our newest toy.  Actually, it is a toy hauler!!!  This thing has every whistle and bell you could imagine and it will really meet our camping needs well!  The trip to get it was something else!

The coolest things happen on road trips.  Sometimes you stumble onto some of the neatest things!  This time we ran up on what can only be described as a gaggle of hot air balloons!  We were just making our way down the interstate when out of nowhere we saw the first balloon.  Before we knew it the sky was full of them and I almost couldn't get my camera out fast enough to get the photos.  I love it when we stumble onto stuff like that.  There's just something about those kind of unplanned surprises that makes me really happy!!!


I REALLY want to take a ride in one of those one day!!!!!

I still can't believe that we made such a huge circle in only a couple of days.  I guess you could say that we were on a mission!  We saw a bunch of sites, stayed in a seedy motel, ate some food that reminded us both of why we love Louisiana!!!  Let me just say, no offense, but it is my opinion that folks in Ohio do NOT know what good food is!!!!  We got the best meal of the trip at a bar b q place in Memphis!  The name of the place is Corky's and it was some of the best Bar B Q I have ever had!  The atmosphere at that place was really cool.  The service was excellent and the food was out of this world!!!  This was really "our" kind of place and it made me want to plan another visit to Memphis!!!!!

The photos don't even do it justice!  This was one DELICIOUS meal!
Fall has brought me a new friend as well!  I was blessed to be asked to see a little girl at home as her home bound teacher.  I think she is one of the sweetest souls I have ever met in my life.  I have to be honest and say that I was scared slap to death before the first time I went to see her.  I have taught older children, but it's been a while and she is in the 5th grade so that's REALLY old, compared to the babies I usually teach!
I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it, or that I wouldn't do a good job.  I have never taught a child with this kind of illness so I wasn't exactly sure what to expect.  I prayed about it and cried about it and prayed about it some more and I have got to say that meeting her and getting to be her teacher is the BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN THE WHOLE TIME I HAVE BEEN TEACHING SCHOOL!  I can't tell you what kind of blessing she has brought to my life. 
Her name is Helen and she has Leukemia.  In our first meeting I found out that she is a Duck Dynasty SUPER fan!  She especially loves Uncle Si.  In fact, one of the first things she said to me at that first meeting was, "Do you have any Si stuff?"  She was wrapped in a pink DD blanket.  Well you can imagine her surprise when I told her that he was really my uncle.  She met him once at the Minden St. Jude benefit.  She just gushed about how much she loved him.  I told her that I loved him too! 

I got permission from her mama to tell you about her and post her photo!  I'm attaching links to    
St. Jude as well as her Go Fund Me account.  She's going to Disney in January and I'm trying to help her get there!!!

I couldn't wait to get to church and tell Uncle Si all about her.  Unfortunately he was not there this morning, but Uncle Phil was.  I told him all about her and showed him the photo.  We stopped what we were doing and immediately said a prayer for this sweet angel!  There is power in prayer and I could feel it!  I hope she could too!!!
I am posting links at the bottom of this blog for anybody interested in helping my sweet girl reach her goals!
And so...... Yaya's adventures continue..... Can't wait to see what out there around the bend!!!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Summer Wind Down

Well, as I sit here typing the minutes of my summer vacation are tick tick ticking away.  Yes, it's that time of year again....... School starts tomorrow morning at 7:30am.  I won't see my old babies or meet my new ones for a few days, but school is starting nonetheless!

I know I have said it before, but I just have to say that this has been one of the busiest, if not the busiest, summer that I can ever remember.  We took some fabulous trips and celebrated some really special milestones!

Our cruise was something I will remember for the rest of my life.  I got to be with Beckham for his 2nd birthday and that is something that I treasure.  I can truly say that being a grandmother is probably one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me.  I love being his Yaya!  Hearing him call my name makes me smile right down to my soul!

We got to take another road trip this summer and it was much needed and long overdue!  I have a friend who was my life-saver at one point in my life.  As we all know, life happens and we kinda lost touch with one another.  Flash forward to 14 years. We found each other on Facebook and were able to resume our friendship, albeit via the internet. 

She nudged me into taking my own health seriously and even though I might not have felt it or said it at the time, I truly appreciate her for helping me get my health back.  She was an editor and IT person while I finished up my graduate studies and she is probably one of the most unselfish people I have ever known.


She had a baby a few months ago and I have been dying to get to her and to get my hands on that baby since the day she was born.  Thankfully Johnnie and I were able to travel to Austin for a long overdue visit.  Just as I expected, she was the ultimate hostess.  It's hard to believe she is from Michigan because she simply OOZES southern hospitality.  Johnnie and I just fell in love with her husband.  He is perfect for her and that makes me really happy.  He is a bit of a computer nerd and that's right up Johnnie's alley!

Now, I get to talk about the best part!  I LOVE ME SOME JOVI LYNNE SAYLES!!!  They have the sweetest little baby-girl I have been around in a long time.  She is absolutely precious! 


No the beers are not Jovi's!

I have gone and done and gained so much this summer.  We have traveled all over North America! We saw sights and had experiences that I will remember for the rest of my life.  We made some plans for our future and are putting them into action.  I started my summer as Yaya of one little boy who is precious to my soul and ended it by welcoming a sweet baby girl who just stole my heart.  I so look forward to seeing what great things God has planned for their lives!


Grump LOVES Texas Bar B Q!!

Yaya loves the Disney Store!

Yaya is a Disney Princess!

So is Jovi!!!

Jovi has the best daddy ever!

Friday, August 1, 2014


I've been telling myself that I needed to sit down and blog for weeks, but things have just been non stop around here!  I know I've said it a million times, but this has truly been the busiest summer I can remember in the history of all my summers!!!  It's been really fun, but the calendar has surely been full, which makes the time fly.  There are only a couple of weeks left in the holiday and then it's back to work!

Lots of special dates passed this past month.  There were birthdays and holidays being celebrated almost on a weekly basis.  I also got to go to Lafayette to participate in a very intensive program geared at showing teachers how to integrate the arts throughout the entire curriculum.  There was lots going on almost start to finish!

Johnnie and I missed the fourth of July fireworks here at home because we were celebrating, fellowshipping and praying with one of my cousins who has thrown his hat into the political ring.  No it's not one of the bearded cousins, but it is that side of my family.  It was great to get to see everyone and to see the support that my cousin Zach and his family has as they enter into this very public arena.  I'm so proud of him for being able to stand up for what he knows is right.  He is BOLD and at least on the outside appears unafraid.  Unfortunately my parish narrowly missed being in his district, however I will support him and promote him 100%!  We need Christians in Washington.  We need people there who are willing to put the needs of this country ahead of their own, or else we need this country to go ahead and fail so that we can pick up the pieces and start over.  Whatever is going on right now is NOT WORKING!  So if you live in district 5 in Louisiana I tell you go vote for Zach Dasher for Congress!  He is a man of integrity!!! 


My birthday was the 12th and I can say that I didn't feel to terribly anxious about stepping into my 45th year.  My life seems to be falling into place nicely and I'm proud of who I am today!   Katie and Beckham came over to spend the weekend with me (a week early) and that made me really happy.  She brought gifts and a handmade card from my sweet boy and even a home made strawberry pound cake.  Don't get me wrong, I love gifts, but there is no better gift than getting to spend time with my best girl and that sweet little blonde haired boy! 

Beckham also turned 2 years old on the 16th.  I can't believe he's already 2.  The time surely has flown!  It seems like he just gets smarter and smarter each time I see him.  He is also so independent.  His Grami tells me that's the way his daddy was and I know that's the way his mama was so he's gotten a double dose of the "I do it myself".  Boy are we in for a wild ride! 

Even though he wants to do everything himself, he is still so sweet to his little friends who are smaller than he is.  He shares his toys and is gentle and attentive to the little ones.  It is something else to watch the way that he interacts with others.  He could very well be a holy terror because without a doubt he is spoiled rotten! (I will own my part in that!)  Don't get me wrong, he has definitely entered the "terrible two's" stage, with the "no's) all the time,  but as far as I can tell it's not been that terrible! (I am sure his mama might disagree, but what does she know.) 

His 2nd birthday party was really nice.  The weather was super mild.  The water in the little pools that were set out was actually a little cool, but it didn't stop the little ones from playing.  His mommy and daddy got him this really cool play house  club house and his Grami got him a really cool water slide.  He also got a toddler sized trampoline.  Grump and I got him some pretend yard tools and social pretend play stuff and a Thomas the Tank Engine booster seat.  His yard looked like an amusement park!

As quick as I got home from the celebration, it was time for me to hit the road again!  I got to participate in a training at ULL and it was a really great training!  I love everything about south Louisiana so of course I would jump at the chance to get to go.  As great as the training was, I really missed my husband.  Six days was a really really long time to be apart.  We had never spent that much time away from each other.  I kind of surprised myself that I did get so homesick, but I did!  We made the decision that when I have to go back next year for the 3 day he's coming with me and we will just camp at Cajun Palms and then I will drive in to school each day.  I think that's a decision we will both be happier with!

So now, July is done and the new school year is right around the corner!  My travels are not quite over with, as Grump and I will be going to Round Rock, Texas this time next week to go visit a little princess who needs to meet her Yaya face to face! 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

We're BACK!

So we just got back from the cruise last night. We flew in to Dallas and are spending a couple days with family in Texas.  I am really glad we opted to do tha because I am absolutely spent from all the traveling and jumping around through time zones. I think I know what jet lag means!

Airplane selfie!

I am not really loving long plane rides!

I don't even know where to begin to describe what a good time we had!  Yes it was Alaska so there was some questionable weather, but it was ALASKA and it was absolutely breathtaking! 

So to begin, here is a little about what we saw:

First the room we had was great!  We opted for an aft balcony room. I would have to say it was a really good idea to have this room.  Our balcony was covered so we could enjoy the sights even when the weather wasn't cooperating!  On the day that the boat went to view the glacier we a little wine n pizza and spent the evening soaking in the beauty of gods creation. 
We also signed up for some amazing excursions.  I ended up enjoying a couple of them more than I even thought I would. 

My very favorite one was whale watching in Juneau.  We booked our tour thru Orka Enterprizes. After doing some research on the net we decided it was the best.  Our captain was really respectful of the whales.   We didn't see any breaching, but we did see several whales.  They were incredible!  It was difficult to put their vast size into perspective unless u see them with your own eyes.   We were looking for one with a specific name and markings. I think her name was Nadia or Natalia or something. We didn't see her, but we did see whales. 
We also got a good view of a glacier. 
I was also surprised to admit that I really enjoyed the lumberjack show even more than I thought I would.  Those guys are really good at what they do & really funny too!
And of course if there was a train to be found we would be riding it!  We traveled the same route that the people took when they were trying to strike it rich in the Klondike gold rush.  

I am sure the train was Johnnie's favorite. It always is!  What I did notice was that there were lots of grown little boys who loved the train too!  
Bridal veil falls
Very narrow foot path along the way. 
Continental divide

So that is a concentration of some of our experiences. I noticed that I have a gillion pictures of the yummy things we ate along the way. Looks like I will have to dedicate another whole entry to the food. Stay tuned!