Sunday, September 28, 2014

Welcome Fall

So...... This school year is in full swing!  In fact, we have just completed the first 6 weeks.  One down, five to go! hehe

Life and school and life has been soooooo busy!  I've been going wide open since the summer actually.  I know I have said that this past summer was probably the busiest summer in the history of all my summers!  I truly believe that since it is now Fall and the hectic pace has not let up.
Don't get me wrong, it's been really fun and exciting, but hectic nonetheless!

Johnnie (that's my husband) and I went on a grand adventure early in September.  We made a flying trip to the booming metropolis of Clyde, Ohio.  We went to get our newest toy.  Actually, it is a toy hauler!!!  This thing has every whistle and bell you could imagine and it will really meet our camping needs well!  The trip to get it was something else!

The coolest things happen on road trips.  Sometimes you stumble onto some of the neatest things!  This time we ran up on what can only be described as a gaggle of hot air balloons!  We were just making our way down the interstate when out of nowhere we saw the first balloon.  Before we knew it the sky was full of them and I almost couldn't get my camera out fast enough to get the photos.  I love it when we stumble onto stuff like that.  There's just something about those kind of unplanned surprises that makes me really happy!!!


I REALLY want to take a ride in one of those one day!!!!!

I still can't believe that we made such a huge circle in only a couple of days.  I guess you could say that we were on a mission!  We saw a bunch of sites, stayed in a seedy motel, ate some food that reminded us both of why we love Louisiana!!!  Let me just say, no offense, but it is my opinion that folks in Ohio do NOT know what good food is!!!!  We got the best meal of the trip at a bar b q place in Memphis!  The name of the place is Corky's and it was some of the best Bar B Q I have ever had!  The atmosphere at that place was really cool.  The service was excellent and the food was out of this world!!!  This was really "our" kind of place and it made me want to plan another visit to Memphis!!!!!

The photos don't even do it justice!  This was one DELICIOUS meal!
Fall has brought me a new friend as well!  I was blessed to be asked to see a little girl at home as her home bound teacher.  I think she is one of the sweetest souls I have ever met in my life.  I have to be honest and say that I was scared slap to death before the first time I went to see her.  I have taught older children, but it's been a while and she is in the 5th grade so that's REALLY old, compared to the babies I usually teach!
I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it, or that I wouldn't do a good job.  I have never taught a child with this kind of illness so I wasn't exactly sure what to expect.  I prayed about it and cried about it and prayed about it some more and I have got to say that meeting her and getting to be her teacher is the BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN THE WHOLE TIME I HAVE BEEN TEACHING SCHOOL!  I can't tell you what kind of blessing she has brought to my life. 
Her name is Helen and she has Leukemia.  In our first meeting I found out that she is a Duck Dynasty SUPER fan!  She especially loves Uncle Si.  In fact, one of the first things she said to me at that first meeting was, "Do you have any Si stuff?"  She was wrapped in a pink DD blanket.  Well you can imagine her surprise when I told her that he was really my uncle.  She met him once at the Minden St. Jude benefit.  She just gushed about how much she loved him.  I told her that I loved him too! 

I got permission from her mama to tell you about her and post her photo!  I'm attaching links to    
St. Jude as well as her Go Fund Me account.  She's going to Disney in January and I'm trying to help her get there!!!

I couldn't wait to get to church and tell Uncle Si all about her.  Unfortunately he was not there this morning, but Uncle Phil was.  I told him all about her and showed him the photo.  We stopped what we were doing and immediately said a prayer for this sweet angel!  There is power in prayer and I could feel it!  I hope she could too!!!
I am posting links at the bottom of this blog for anybody interested in helping my sweet girl reach her goals!
And so...... Yaya's adventures continue..... Can't wait to see what out there around the bend!!!!!

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