Sunday, August 17, 2014

Summer Wind Down

Well, as I sit here typing the minutes of my summer vacation are tick tick ticking away.  Yes, it's that time of year again....... School starts tomorrow morning at 7:30am.  I won't see my old babies or meet my new ones for a few days, but school is starting nonetheless!

I know I have said it before, but I just have to say that this has been one of the busiest, if not the busiest, summer that I can ever remember.  We took some fabulous trips and celebrated some really special milestones!

Our cruise was something I will remember for the rest of my life.  I got to be with Beckham for his 2nd birthday and that is something that I treasure.  I can truly say that being a grandmother is probably one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me.  I love being his Yaya!  Hearing him call my name makes me smile right down to my soul!

We got to take another road trip this summer and it was much needed and long overdue!  I have a friend who was my life-saver at one point in my life.  As we all know, life happens and we kinda lost touch with one another.  Flash forward to 14 years. We found each other on Facebook and were able to resume our friendship, albeit via the internet. 

She nudged me into taking my own health seriously and even though I might not have felt it or said it at the time, I truly appreciate her for helping me get my health back.  She was an editor and IT person while I finished up my graduate studies and she is probably one of the most unselfish people I have ever known.


She had a baby a few months ago and I have been dying to get to her and to get my hands on that baby since the day she was born.  Thankfully Johnnie and I were able to travel to Austin for a long overdue visit.  Just as I expected, she was the ultimate hostess.  It's hard to believe she is from Michigan because she simply OOZES southern hospitality.  Johnnie and I just fell in love with her husband.  He is perfect for her and that makes me really happy.  He is a bit of a computer nerd and that's right up Johnnie's alley!

Now, I get to talk about the best part!  I LOVE ME SOME JOVI LYNNE SAYLES!!!  They have the sweetest little baby-girl I have been around in a long time.  She is absolutely precious! 


No the beers are not Jovi's!

I have gone and done and gained so much this summer.  We have traveled all over North America! We saw sights and had experiences that I will remember for the rest of my life.  We made some plans for our future and are putting them into action.  I started my summer as Yaya of one little boy who is precious to my soul and ended it by welcoming a sweet baby girl who just stole my heart.  I so look forward to seeing what great things God has planned for their lives!


Grump LOVES Texas Bar B Q!!

Yaya loves the Disney Store!

Yaya is a Disney Princess!

So is Jovi!!!

Jovi has the best daddy ever!

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