If I counted correctly, my husband has just a little over 12 days left to work and the mayor n town council are still trying to do away with his job! Not only his job, but an entire police department! Who ever heard if such?
This has been an ongoing battle between the police and the mayor/council. So it leaves the question, "In what world is it ok to do away with law enforcement on a town with a crime rate like Homer?"
At any rate Johnnie is ready to be done and I am ready for him to be done. The thought that something might happen to him when he is this close to the finish line scares me to death! It seems like I always have at least one major worry going on at any one time so I guess this is it for now!
I don't blame him for being done. I can't imagine what the job of a police man is like. I mean, he spends his entire day telling people what hey can and can't do. And, if they won't comply then he has to make them comply. I would hate doing that. So Like i said I understand why he wants to stop doing that.
The problem I see is when people doing other jobs have that same negative attitude about what they are doing. I mean, we choose our vocations. We are not sentenced to do these jobs as punishment. So why then do some folks whine, complain and belly ache so badly? No I am not some total Pollyanna who thinks that the world is rainbows and butterflies all the time. Everyone goes through some times when things might be a little rough, but the constant negativity spewed by some folks just makes me want to ask them if they remember why they chose their job in the first place! I believe that that kind of attitude is contagious and I really don't want to catch it!
Then there are those who, no matter what you do, tell you you should have done something differently. They don't say what they mean and you are let to try to decode the real meaning of their words. Let me be the first to say that it is exhausting to be constantly trying to figure out hidden meanings. In fact. I believe I need to resolve myself to not even worrying about hidden meanings any more!
In the world today I find myself at odds with the leadership in this country. Decisions are being made that make absolutely no sense. I am horrible at math, but even I know that the working class in this country simply cannot afford the debt that is being assigned to us.
Even worse are the people who have figured out how to build a life for themselves in which they won't or don't work and have no intention to even try to work. They aren't paying for anything. In many cases they will be the first one to hold their hand out for freebies! I know I am ranting, but this has been driving me crazy!!
This is not the world my parents or grandparents lived in. There was a time when people genuinely cared for one another without some hidden agenda. Those in government had the interest of the people at the forefront of the decisions they made. Heck, politicians had real jobs outside politics and got involved in government because they were genuinely interested in making sure their town/country was thriving. People took pride in their jobs and were genuinely conscientious!
So I am sitting here wondering "what happened"? I know in my own life I have found myself at crossroads in which I had to do some real soul searching and make some real and hard choices. With those choices came some heartache and there was some work to be done, but I can't help ur think that hard work and even temporary heartache is far better than letting that ugly blackness of unhappiness swallow you up!
Today I find myself in a really good place. I have a marriage that I am absolutely happy in. Our home is the peaceful safe place it is supposed to be. I have a family that I love and who I know loves me. I have a career in which I get to encourage and hopefully be a part of shaping little people into who God wants them to be.
So what about the rest? What can be done about the negativity? Can our country be saved? Is this what happens before a civilization collapses? I just can't help but think we are living in some really fragile times.
I don't have the answers. All I can do is try to do my best and offer lots of prayers. If you are reading this I am asking you to pray too. One way or the other something has got to give!
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