Tuesday, July 30, 2013

BIG Changes Are Coming!!!!

I have been meaning to blog more, but I guess life sometimes gets in the way.  Anyway here is what's been going in my head and my world:

Summer school is winding down and the new school year will start in about three weeks.  I always start getting excited at this point in the summer.  Is that weird?

I will be going into my sixth year as a teacher.  Each year I make the goal to make the upcoming year more productive than the last.  I feel like that is a good goal because I know that I am gaining experience, and for the first time since I began working as an early interventionist I can honestly say that I am not afraid of what the new year will hold. (Well, not AS afraid)    I have one resource room already set up (sort of) so it's like I am starting the year out a little ahead of the game!

Here's what else:

I know I have talked about my spiritual health since the beginning of this year.  My relationship with God is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN MY LIFE!!!  I don't know if I have always thought that, but I am saying that I know that now!  I know I need to get back into the habit of going back to church on a regular basis.  It's something that I am seriously working on.  There is a saying, "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car".  I still believe that is true, but I can't help but feel that I have been using that as an excuse not to go and it's been eating at me.
Long story short, I know that there is work to be done in my spiritual life!

I went to church with my family last weekend in West Monroe.  I saw people I haven't seen in a long time and it felt REALLY good!  As I sat in Sunday school I couldn't help but think about my family.  I spent a lot of my childhood in that building.  I sat next to my uncle and his baby sister next to him.  I love the story of how my aunt (the baby sister) loved her brother enough to go into his bar and share the gospel with him at a time when he was probably as far away from God as he could possibly be!  That uncle loved me enough to share that same "Good News" with me.  He shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with me when I was 18 years old.  I was baptized in the same building that I was sitting in over 25 years before.  Is it irony that in my quest to get closer to God I would find myself sitting in the place where I had obeyed the Gospel so long ago?  I think NOT!   I also don't think it is a coincidence that the distance to White's Ferry Road is exactly the same as the distance to the church that we had been attending in Shreveport.  So, since I know that my spiritual life needs some work, I think I may try to start there!


I've also made some decisions about making changes in my physical life.  I've thought about the way that I feel and looked at some recent photos and come to the conclusion that things have got to change.  So, back to MyFitnessPal.com I go.  I will make the necessary changes!

So as I stare down the new school year that is right around the bend I am happy!  I am excited to see where God leads me!
Grab a Friend


  1. Oh I just realized you're Katie's mom , welcome to grab a friend family :)
    Good luck with ALL your goals , wish you all the best!
    Noor @ Noor's Place

  2. I am not nearly as good at this as Katie is. Is there a way that I can fix my link on your grab a friend site so that it has the name of my blog listed by my name? I tried yesterday but had couldn't figure out how to do it!
