June 24th was mine and my husband's 9th anniversary. It was an uneventful day. In fact, my husband had to work that day so I ended up spending the majority of it by myself. That didn't bother me though, because it gave me some time to really stop and think about this marvelous journey we have been on.
If you had told me, a little over nine years ago, that I would be so happily married at this time in my life, I would have likely told you to go get your head examined! Fast forward nine years later and I still catch myself scratching my head and looking around, wondering, how in the world did I get here?
I won't even try to take the credit and I won't give it to my husband either. It's not luck that got me here either. It is a GOD thing! So nine years after the fact I can honestly say, "I still do!"
God brought us here. Faithfulness, love, communication and dedication have made our home a fun, loving and safe place to land! If I had one wish for all the married couples I know, it would be for all their homes to be built on that same foundation!
Other highlights this week included a visit from my sweet cousin and her baby-girl and my daddy and his wife. It was really nice to get to spend time with all of them!
I am so proud of my cousin! She is making some needed changes and looking ahead to a bright future! She comes from good stock. I hate that some of the people around her are less than supportive at times, but that's on them! I have told her and I hope she remembers that is their stuff and not hers! They will have to answer for themselves sooner or later. We ALL will! While I consider myself FAR from perfect, I am glad that I only have to answer for my choices and no one else's! It goes back to a philosophy I have held for a while now. I have long felt that members of the human race could learn everything theyneed to know to be successful in life through a quality character education program! All the fusses in marriages, families, races, religions and nations could be settled! Boy would that free up some time for some folks!
I have some things on my mind and could use some prayers right about now. All I can say is that I feel like satan is trying to mess with some folks I care a lot about, but my God is sooooo much better and stronger than he. Maybe that's the test for me! I have to give my fears and worries to God. Then comes the hard part.... I have to not take them back! That's what I will do! Like I said, prayers needed!
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