Friday, April 18, 2014

Happy Easter!!

Today is Good Friday.  This starts the last little break from school before we push through to the end of the year.  Thankfully that end is only a few weeks away because I am seriously running out of steam!  It seems like the years fly by faster and faster.  I need to keep reminding myself of that, especially when I feel like the walls are closing in on me like I did during the beginning of this year!!

There are lots of happy things going on this weekend.  Hopefully the last of our living room furniture will come in so we can get the room set up the way we want it.  I am also going to take a trip to see Katie and Beckham for Easter.  She has to work on Monday and since I am off I will get a little one on one Yaya/Baby time!  I think that some baby-kisses are much needed!!!

He is growing like a weed!  He looks like a little boy and less like a baby these days!  He is so smart and independent!  I know that should make me proud, but sometimes it makes me sad that those baby-cuddling days might be behind us.  I told Katie I didn't care and that I was still going to rock him and sing and baby him for as long as he will let me.  I just hope he will let me!!!  She says that there will be no new babies until they get into a bigger home.  The grown up in  me knows that that is the wise decision to make.  The Yaya in me is crying, "BOO!!!!!".  Anyway, I guess we will wait for our little family to grow.

Our house is coming together really nicely.  Johnnie managed to get a large part of the remodel done while he was transitioning to working part time.  Our deck looks soooooo great!  He finished the rails around the deck and even built some gates to keep the little ones from falling down or running off.  He was smart enough to save a really nice bar top we had when he was doing the deconstruction.  He then built an outside bar with some reclaimed wood we had.  It looks FABULOUS!!!  I still want to add some hanging baskets with some colorful flowers and then it will be ready for the busy Summer season!

This will be a very active Summer season.  I looked at my weekend calendar the other day and, with the exception of a couple of weekends, it looks like we have something planned for every single weekend of the Summer!  I am trying not to freak out about it too badly because I know it's going to be really fun, but DANG!  Anyway, it's all about family and fun so I say, "Bring it on!"

This is a really important and special weekend for Christians all over the world.  I find it very difficult to say "Happy Good Friday", since it commemorates something really horrible.  I have found myself looking around all over this continent saying, "I can't believe that anyone could look at this sight and not know that it is from God!".  From the beaches of Mexico to the magnificence of Niagara Falls and everywhere in between God was visible. 

Cut to today.  It's the Friday before Easter Sunday.  It is the day that Christians commemorate and act of love that was so great it's hard to even comprehend!  To think that God sent his only son, WHO WAS WITHOUT SIN,  to be crucified on a cross so that a sinner like me can be forgiven.  I know me.   I know how flawed that I am!!   I can't help but think that I am sooooo not worth it, but God said, "Yes you are!"  I am so thankful for that!

So, I am looking very forward to this Sunday and what it stands for!  It commemorates the promise that God made to his children.  They killed my savior on that cross and placed him in a grave, but that's not where the story ends.  On Sunday we will celebrate how he conquered death!  The stone wasn't rolled away to let him out.  It was rolled away to show that he was NOT THERE!!!  And, that's not even the best part of this story!  I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ!  I believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  And, here's the best part of this story...... HE IS COMING BACK AGAIN FOR HIS CHILDREN!!!  Thank you God for keeping your promises!!!